A matter of concern or debate: a political issue. A statement or question put out for public discussion: the issue of winning the prize money. Something issued by a business or government: new stamps. A single copy of a publication: the May issue of the magazine. The meaning of the word issue dates to the 15th century. It originally meant “to set out for distribution.”
Today, the issue means an important topic of discussion or controversy. Politicians like to say they want to get down to the issues. A person with personal problems is said to have issues.
For bloggers, choosing an issue to write about is a matter of knowing what pushes people’s buttons. Some readers respond best to a straightforward argument, while others react to more subtle, emotionally driven articles.
If you choose to write about a sensitive issue, make sure that your article is well researched. Use facts and statistics to support your opinion, but avoid using names or personal attacks to criticize a person or group. You may also want to avoid overstating your position or claiming that you are the only one who believes this is a serious issue.
A blog post can be an effective way to raise awareness about a particular issue or problem. To increase readership, include an engaging opening and follow-up with a list of actions that people can take to help resolve the issue. Also, link to other posts on your blog that offer further information or advice.